Infos zu Avocados aus Südafrika von Westfalia

01.02.2013 18:13
Zum Thema Erhitzen:

Dear Matthias,

Our organic avocados are certified by BCS OKo-Guarantee, and produced within the EU regulations for organic production. As such the avocados are grown organically, using compost for fertilizer, and organically approved copper sprays to help protect the fruit from getting rots. In terms of the post-harvest process, fruit are picked and placed into picking bins that are only ever used for organically grown fruit. The fruit is then sorted on a packline that is reserved for organics only.

To answer your question below, we do not heat the water on the packline, as this would negatively influence our post-harvest shelf life. We apply a post harvest fruit coating called Westfalia BiocoatTM, which is a natural organic blend of fatty acids that helps to protect the fruit from fungal infection. We do not apply wax or any other post-harvest treatment to our organic avocados.

I hope that this suitably answers your question.

Kind Regards

Hans Boyum

Liste der im Bioanbau üblichen Mittel:


Zum Thema Bestrahlung:

Dear Matthias,

We do not irradiate our avocados.

It is interesting that irradiation treatments have been tested on avocados, but did not produce good results. The irradiation treatment affected the internal quality of the fruit. We also do not have a facility in South Africa that is large enough to irradiate commercial volumes of fruit.

Kind Regards




Ich hab darüber hinaus auch viele spanische Produzenten angeschrieben und auch die Bio-Schiene in Ö (Nennt sich Ja-Natürlich!). Mal sehen, ob ich die Emails nicht finde! Aber keiner benutzt irgendwelche Heißwasserbäder oder Heißluft (über 40°C) zum Trocken. Dennoch ist da immer wieder Aufmerksamkeit geboten, da eben auch der Biohandel an sich, also nicht die Produzenten selber, was rummurksen können.

Die Avos von Ja!Natürlich sind die derzeit besten in Ö.

Mein Tipp: schreibt die Leute an, wenn ihr was aus dem Bioladen nehmt! Die Produzenten stehen zumeist auf den Kartons!


